Submition deadline: 12.04.2024
8th Continental Congress of Dermatology International Society of Dermatology
DashboardInstructions for Authors
Instructions for Authors
Abstract submission deadline 28th January 2024
Author notification for acceptance of abstract 16th February 2024

- Maximum word count: 250 count
- Abstract have to be written in English
- Fill in the submitting author's name and e-mail address properly - these contact details will serve for further correspondence with the author(s)

The following items have to be covered in the abstract text:

Original research:
• Aims: describe research background, the working definition and/or hypothesis.
• Methods: applied methods, including the number of patients.
• Results: please present a summary of the most important results based on sufficient quantitative and statistical data.
• Conclusion: please present a conclusion based on the results.

Case reports:
• Introduction
• Case Report and Intervention
• Conclusion

Previous publication/presentation: you will be asked to indicate whether the abstract has been previously published and/or presented at a conference (this will not necessarily be used as grounds for acceptance/rejection).
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